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November 29, 2022

Science Committee Members Stevens and Tonko Visit NIST

(Washington, DC)—Today, Chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Research and Technology, Rep. Haley Stevens (D-MI) led a visit to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Chairwoman Stevens was joined by Congressman Paul Tonko (D-NY). The Members toured several NIST facilities and discussed ongoing research with NIST staff including robotics, neutron research, and trace explosive detection.

“Since Michigan’s 11th District sent me to Congress, I have been unwavering in my belief of the transformational power of federal investment in science, technology, and R&D,” said Subcommittee on Research and Technology Chairwoman Haley Stevens (D-MI). “We have seen the repercussions of decades of underinvestment in our science agencies – increased supply chain vulnerabilities, a decrease in our skilled workforce and manufacturing, while facing mounting technology competition from overseas. Today’s tour of NIST proved that Congress must unlock the agency’s full potential to revitalize American leadership in science, innovation, and manufacturing. That is why I am proud to have worked across the aisle to pass my NIST for the Future legislation through the Chips & Science Act - legislation that boosts NIST’s work in supporting important industries of the future. America’s ability to compete globally hinges on Congress taking action to fully fund the CHIPS & Science Act.”

“As one of only a handful of trained engineers in Congress, I have always had a profound appreciation and respect for science,” said Congressman Paul Tonko (D-NY). “Touring the labs and learning more about the incredible work being done by the top scientists and experts at NIST has only deepened my respect. I look forward to working alongside all of my colleagues on the SS&T committee to do all we can to support these public science institutes that will drive innovation and empower our nation to be a global leader in research and technology.”